In 2024, Vietnamese rice production for export is expected to be equivalent from 2023

According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the rice areas planned for 2024 are estimated at 7.09 Mha, with an average yield of 6.12 ton/ha. Production is estimated at 43.4 Mt of paddy, a very slight decrease compared to 2023.

By mid-May, the country had planted 4.2 Mha of rice, almost equivalent to last year at the same period; The rice areas already harvested amount to 2.64 Mha with an estimated production of 17.84 Mt, up slightly compared to 2023 at the same period, and an average yield of 6.76 ton/ha, up by 1.2% compared to 2023. The rice area, by the end of the year, should amount to around 2.89 Mha; The planned area to be harvested is 4.45 Mha for an additional expected production of 25.56 Mt.

For the first 5 months of 2024, Vietnamese exports would have amounted to 4.5 Mt, up 18% compared to the previous year at the same time.

According to the Vietnamese Ministry of Commerce, rice production for export is mainly concentrated in the Mekong Delta provinces. The other regions are mainly used to supply the domestic market. In 2024, the total volume of rice for export in the Mekong Delta provinces is estimated at around 7.60 Mt, roughly equivalent to last year, of which 4.38 Mt is expected to be exported over the next First 6 months of the year. For the last 6 months of the year, exported rice volumes are expected to reach 3.22 Mt.